Sunday, February 10, 2008

Inherited lifestyle

The Queen of England. Elizabeth II.
What a charming, lovable grandmother she seems to be! Only I feel for her. I would not want to be in her expensive shoes.
What a life!
She spends her waking hours greeting strangers, smiling, shaking hands, listening to an array of individuals come to pay their respects, all the while punctuating the short conversation with the odd "oh yes, indeed?", "it is a rather interesting thing, isn't it?", and so on.
Aside from meeting about 100 people in one hour, she also does a lot of paper shuffling; things she needs to review, others she has to sign...
Poor woman. 
For someone like me, it is an unthinkable situation to be in - I think that in all of her reign so far, she's had 2 million people come to see her at her palace! And that's not counting all the individuals she's met outside of Buckingham.
Well, let us hope she likes it. She doesn't seem to mind it. In which case, she is a great queen. But then again, if she dislikes it yet manages to live this kind of life without showing her unhappiness, then she is an even greater queen, and je lui tire mon chapeau. 

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